Sunday, March 25, 2007

You/That Yellow Bastard

My eyes were killing me today. Apparently, two days ago, every tree in South Carolina decided to start vomiting pollen on everything. This is the first time I've ever really been given any trouble at all by spring time pollen and what not, but it feels like my contacts are covered in pollen dust and I don't even know how to describe what my eyes feel like. Then again, I rarely know how to describe sensations that take place in my eyes, because stuff isn't supposed to touch them. So trips to the eye doctor are crazy because he sticks things into them and drops numb them and sometimes when I blink I'm lucky there's a bottom lid there to stop it because otherwise I'd just keep lowering the top one and who knows where it would end up. My lips? Gross.

The pollen isn't really that big of a deal, otherwise, I don't think. It does make everybody's car look like somebody spilled yellow cake mix on it, though. The weirdest thing, though, is to think that it's like plants are having sex all over us all the time when we go outside. That's a little bit troubling. Are there plant STDs? Can we catch them? Is that what's going on in my eyes right now? Some sort of flower gonorrhea? Not cool, flowers. If flower gonorrhea in my eyes is the price I have to pay for flowers smelling good, I think it might not be worth it.

The upside is that the weather is awesome. It's like mid- to upper-seventies and sunny, so it's that brief period where it's very nice right before it gets oppressively hot. Fortunately for me, that brief period is much longer than in Florida, what I'm used to. It could be three weeks, at that's like five times longer than at home. Then again, it's like 60ish in the winter, so it's really a matter of perspective I guess. The warmer weather does make limeade a more appropriate drink, though, and that's always cause for celebration.

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