Thursday, July 20, 2006

I am an heterochromatic. Are you a homo?

I've written on this subject before, but the last few days when I wake up at home home (in Florida) I realize I'm probably not going to see anyone other than my parents or high school friends, so my motivation for removing my facial hair is not particularly strong. The weirdest thing I notice when I let my facial hair grow out is that my head hair, my facial hair, eyebrows and my leg/arm hair are all different colors. As far as hair goes, I am heterochromatic. So I think that whenever I see someone who has all those kinds of hairs the same color, I can call them a homo and mean it, irrespective of their sexual orientation.

My head hair is hard to describe, but it's like a light brown, not quite reddish color. My eyebrows are very dark, my facial hair is like the orange/red color typical of your standard redhead, and my arms/legs sport hair that one would accurately describe as blonde. I realize as I write this that people who don't know what I look like are picturing some sort of hideous cartoon drawing made by a kindergartener, but it's not any worse than the ridiculous look that you're wearing right now.

I still have the pangs of desire, particular on days like these when I'm really lazy about shaving, that I should try to do something cool with my potential beard/mustache. But again, I'm still not sure what I'd do with it that wouldn't make me end up looking like a hardcore douchebag. So, until something happens where I go to a restaurant or interact with family members who don't live here, I will keep growing copper wire out of my face, and then shave it off like I should have done four or five days ago.


Anonymous said...

I'm a homo. There, I admit it. There are many weeks where I feel very lazy and go far too long without shaving. The wife really isn't into homoerotica, though, so I should try to do a little better at getting rid of my homo scruff.

-Bob S.

mlo said...

here's your chance to make your impression. LIGHTNING BOLTS.