Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I think that anyone who starts watching a television show or movie in the middle and has no problem in doing so is a sociopath. That's really the biggest weakness with the guide programs that come with cable and satellite these days: when you see something good that's already started, you can't just jump into it. At least I can't, because I'm not a sociopath. This does not extend to sporting events.

This is a neurosis that I think is a lot more rational than some of the others. Interrupting a story or a movie or a tv show is simply unacceptable. The entire picture must be taken as a whole. I know what you're thinking right now. "Where do you draw the line? Do you need to see it from the absolute beginning? What id you tune into a show that starts at 8 at 8:03? Do you simply watch nothing for half an hour?" And that's a good question. Let me explain.

Most shows begin with a cold opening, then show their introductory titles. Saturday Night Live is the most famous show that follows this format. When Darrell Hammond comes up as Chris Matthews interviewing Hillary Clinton pretending to be one of the Sopranos and concludes with deadpanning of "LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT!", that's the cold opening. The introductory titles are the cast credits with the sax music, then it goes to commercials. You have until the show comes back from commercials to start, or else the show is wasted. You can extend it until the start of the next commercials if it's an hour show. That's it, unless you've seen the episode before. Otherwise, you can't watch the show anymore. Or you're a sociopath. Your choice.


Anonymous said...

I definitely feel this way about movies. There is no chance I will watch a movie if I have missed any of it. Sitcoms are in another category for me. Maybe I am a sociopath, but I am hoping my neurotic nature that surrounds my movie-watching rules makes me exempt!

Engineer Sighted said...

If the show is not plot driven (like most sitcoms) the situation can be mitigated a little. If it's something like West Wing, then it's hopeless. Movies on television were a big part of this, so yeah, you're right. I keep hearing how influential TiVo is going to be, whenever I can afford to get it, so maybe that will help solve this psychosis.