Friday, March 09, 2007

We'll have a sleepy time time

I'm pretty sure I'm a little bit defective. I have been for as long as I can remember. You know how on Saturdays you love to sleep in till like 1:30, wake up and have pop tarts for breakfast at 2, and then maybe even roll back into bed for another hour or so of sleep? I can't do that. It has nothing to do with pop tarts, I just can't sleep in very late. It's not for lack of trying or want, though, I can assure you that.

I usually get up during the week at around 8-8:30, unaided. On the weekends, if I stay out late, I can push it out to 9:30 or so, usually. I'm pretty sure this makes me a mutant. Except not a cool one, like Wolverine, but a dumb one with stupid powers, like Toad. I don't really know what I can do about it. Although I would have enjoyed sleeping in an extra or so this morning, I can't really say that I feel like I'm missing out on all that much. Except when I'm staying at a friend's place and I get up like an hour and a half earlier than they do I never know if it'd be rude to wake them up and make them go get lunch. Usually I'm hungry and it's noon by the time I get tired of waiting, so I want a hamburger and they want pop tarts.

I've never been able to get back to sleep once I'm awake, unless it's something like a mid-morning pee break. That's different, but I try not to turn on any bright lights because that does make getting back to sleep harder. Naps, though, were something that I had to learn how to take in college. I'm pretty sure I never took naps as a little kid and definitely not during high school. I also typically wake up in a confused stupor, especially when it's a long nap. So, really, if I am woken up from a nap by a phone call, they get theirs because I am pretty much incoherent. I imagine the way I act in that situation is a lot like a drunken bear would. Curious, confused and not yet angry enough to be aggressive. Also, I like to eat a lot of honey.

Anyway, this morning was a prime time to sleep in a little more than usual, but no. My body decided that 8:15 was the time to get up and it'd be damned if there was anything I could do to stop it. So instead of waking up right now (I'm not even asking for much!), I am awake and showered now. I'll have to figure out some way to get my body back later. Maybe I'll use roller coasters.

1 comment:

mlo said...

it's okay. i like toad. :)

vroom vroom.