Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Simpsons beat South Park beat me to it

I was watching Family Guy with my roommate on Sunday, and during a fifteen minutes punctuated with a below average concentration of laughs, I said that I wanted my next blog entry to be about how Family guy is overrated. I told him directly, because I'm pretty sure he's like 50% of How Observant's readership. He replied with, "South Park just did that."

So, I checked out the South Park episodes (Cartoon Wars I and II) which, in addition to making me feel lazy (I could've written that post a month ago and I would've been ahead of the curve), it did a fantastic job satiring the media, American hypocrisy and Family Guy. I didn't really consider myself a South Park fan before, but I do think that they are the best satirists on television right now.

Anyway, Family Guy is overrated. I don't really want to say much more than that because I don't want to sound like I'm ripping off South Park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those "South Park" episodes were great. Have you watched the show over the last couple weeks? The episode from two weeks ago parodied the Oprah/dude lying about his memoir incident. It included a storyline about Oprah's vagina going crazy because of lack of attention and taking hostages at gunpoint. I found the whole episode too obvious in its satire and even too moronic for my juvenile sense of humor.

The last episode had Al Gore trying to save the world from "Man-Bear-Pig" and the boys get trapped in a cave. Al Gore's an easy target and they should've been more creative in the satire.

Some of South Park's satire is really really well done but it can be a huge miss. It seems like they're either really on or really off.

-Bob S.